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= [2.0.8] – 2022-09-22 =
* Prevent a fatal error if there is no upstream plugin is installed

= [2.0.7] – 2022-06-27 =
* Inheritance variable updates from UpStream v2.0.7

= [2.0.3] – 2022-05-10 =
* Fix incompatibility with UpStream 2.0.0
* Updated Bootstrap to v5.1.3

= [1.6.4] – 2021-01-20 =
* Added hook before sending status change emails

= [1.6.3] – 2020-12-07 =
* Fixed security issue

= [1.6.2] – 2020-09-11 =
* Fixed compatibility bug

= [1.6.1] – 2020-08-24 =
* Fixed warning message on backend

= [1.6.0] – 2020-08-05 =
* Updated to work with WP 5.5
* Fixed minor bugs

= [1.5.1] – 2020-03-25 =
* Added user and title fields that can be set in custom email text

= [1.5.0] – 2020-03-14 =
* Added the ability to override message text in emails, and add HTML header and footer
* Fix email bug on frontend, which sends wrong project when a new project is assigned.
* Fix bug with advanced permissions

= [1.4.2] – 2020-01-28 =
* Fix for out of order saving of items, which breaks on backend

= [1.4.1] – 2019-12-23 =
* Version number fix

= [1.4.0] – 2019-12-22 =
* Added sending emails on assignment for projects, milestones
* Added emails on status change
* Fixed minor bugs

= [1.3.6] – 2019-10-16 =
* Fix minor bug in email

= [1.3.5] – 2019-10-16 =
* Fix fatal error when sending email

= [1.3.3] – 2019-10-15 =
* Fix minor bug in email functionality

= [1.3.2] – 2019-09-25 =
* Fix JS error due to email reminders being activated, but disabled in the upstream menu

= [1.3.1] – 2019-09-24 =
* Fix bug not sending emails on assignment

= [1.3.0] – 2019-09-20 =
* Added ability to choose date to send email
* Fixed various timezone bugs
* Added emailing after comments

= [1.2.5] – 2019-09-09 =
* Fixed HTML bug in email

= [1.2.4] – 2019-09-02 =
* Fixed data saving bugs

= [1.2.2] – 2019-05-22 =

* Fixed error when no reminders were set in a milestone;
* Fixed the priority of the End Date field;

= [1.2.1] – 2019-04-29 =

* Fixed reminders for the new Milestone structure released on UpStream 1.24.0;

= [1.2.0] – 2019-03-07 =

* Added new filters that allow customizing the subject and text of email notifications for assigned items. New filters: \”upstream_email_notifications_assigned_email_message\” and \”upstream_email_notifications_assigned_email_subject\”;

= [1.1.16] – 2018-12-13 =

* Fixed link to the project page in the reminder – Thanks @awijasa;
* Fixed notifications to catch all projects removing pagination from the query – Thanks @awijasa;
* Removed automatic deactivation when dependencies (UpStream) are not loaded;

= [1.1.15] – 2018-09-19 =


* Fixed title of Milestones in notifications by email on the front-end;

= [1.1.14] – 2018-09-07 =


* Fixed automatic updates using the new Alledia EDD SL Plugin Updater library, based on the original version 1.6.16;


* Updated POT file;

= [1.1.13] – 2018-09-06 =

* Fixed PHP warning when milestones are disabled;
* Fixed PHP warning when there is no reminders set for the project;
* Fixed PHP warning about undefined index in the date field for projects in the admin;
* Fixed outdated POT file;

= [1.1.12] – 2018-08-21 =

* Fixed a PHP warning when milestones are disabled and you try to add or edit a task in the backend;

= [1.1.11] – 2018-07-11 =

* Fixed a PHP warning when the project doesn\’t have an specific item type;

= [1.1.10] – 2018-06-20 =

* Fixed date format in the emails;

= [1.1.9] – 2018-06-07 =

* Fixed wrong name for milestones in the emails;

= [1.1.8] – 2018-04-19 =

* Patching last update

= [1.1.7] – 2018-04-19 =

* Fix a couple of potential PHP warnings

= [1.1.6] – 2018-03-08 =

* Added support for multiple assignees
* Added support for Files assignees

= [1.1.5] – 2018-02-15 =

* Changes for compatibility with the new tables on frontend
* Update year in copyright info

* Fix \”None\” and \”End Date\” strings language domain

= [1.1.4] – 2017-12-28 =

* Hide non selected handler sections on Settings page

* Update check process now takes at least half the time it took on previous versions

* Fixed assets being loaded on every page

= [1.1.3] = 2017-11-09 =

* Grammar enhancements on emails

* Fixed bug where some Reminders were being lost after save
* Fixed bug where some Reminders were not being removed or replaced as they should

= [1.1.2] = 2017-10-23 =

* Code enhancements

= [1.1.1] = 2017-09-19 =

* Fixed some reminders not being sent as they should
* Enhanced support for internationalization

= [1.1.0] = 2017-08-31 =

* Now users can set up notification reminders for upcoming due dates

= [1.0.2] = 2017-08-01 =

* Enhancements to the licensing system

* Minor code enhancements

= [1.0.1] = 2017-06-29 =

* Enhanced compatibility with PHP prior to version 5.5

= [1.0.0] = 2017-06-26 =
* Initial Release

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