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= [2.0.8] – 2022-09-22 =
* Prevent a fatal error if there is no upstream plugin is installed

= [2.0.7] – 2022-06-27 =
* Inheritance variable updates from UpStream v2.0.7

= [2.0.3] – 2022-05-10 =
* Fix incompatibility with UpStream 2.0.0
* Fix front-end custom fields
* Updated Bootstrap to v5.1.3

= [1.10.4] – 2021-03-16 =
* Fix for missing client custom fields in some instances

= [1.10.3] – 2021-01-20 =
* Fix for media popup not scrolling properly

= [1.10.2] – 2020-12-09 =
* Fix download problem

= [1.10.1] – 2020-12-07 =
* Fix sanitization bug

= [1.10.0] – 2020-09-22 =
* Autoincrement added for bugs, tasks, etc.

= [1.9.1] – 2020-08-10 =
* Fixed bug causing dropdown reset when new dropdown items are added

= [1.9.0] – 2020-08-05 =
* Fixed private files bugs
* Fixed WordPress 5.5 incompatibility

= [1.8.2] – 2020-07-05 =
* Fixed update bug that causes error messages when updating

= [1.8.1] – 2020-06-02 =
* Fixed warning messages

= [1.8.0] – 2020-05-30 =
* Added reporting features
* Added support for new file upload functionality

= [1.7.4] – 2020-03-13 =
* Fix bug in showing category fields in tables

= [1.7.3] – 2020-02-02 =
* Fix bug where popup can\’t be scrolled after adding a file

= [1.7.2] – 2020-01-03 =
* Fix bug with items not showing properly in tables on frontend

= [1.7.1] – 2019-12-25 =
* Minor bug fixes

= [1.7.0] – 2019-12-22 =
* Added model functions for custom fields
* Fixed various bugs

= [1.6.6] – 2019-11-18 =
* Fixed bug not showing unweighted items

= [1.6.5] – 2019-11-16 =
* Added weights to allow reordering of fields

= [1.6.4] – 2019-10-31 =
* Fixed bug with showing warning messages when you view a copied milestone with checkboxes

= [1.6.3] – 2019-10-16 =
* Fixed bug due to permissions with custom fields

= [1.6.2] – 2019-10-15 =
* Added support for advanced permissions

= [1.6.0] – 2019-07-24 =

* Fixed multiple tags not being saved correctly;
* Fixed single checkbox not being saved correctly;
* Added custom fields to clients;

= [1.5.0] – 2019-07-03 =

* Added a new field type for selecting Users;
* Added a new field type for selecting Countries;
* Fixed the autoincrement field markup properly closing the tag after the row;
* Fixed PHP warnings in the project overview screen and project screen;
* Fixed categories not being saved for projects in the front-end;
* Fixed sorting for custom fields;
* Fixed checkbox value for custom fields in the front-end;

= [1.4.1] – 2019-05-06 =

* Fixed a PHP warning regarding two non static method being called as static;
* Fixed a fatal error when an uploaded file is not available anymore;
* Updated the EDD Software License library fixing the update for some users;

= [1.4.0] – 2019-04-29 =

* Fixed custom fields for Milestones;

= [1.3.2] – 2019-01-15 =

* Fixed PHP warning about undefined index;
* Fixed PHP warning about the trim function receiving an object;
* Removed use of deprecated version constant;
* Fixed the value on columns for custom fields;

= [1.3.1] – 2018-12-13 =

* Fixed columns for custom fields;
* Added icon to the filter fields;

= [1.3.0] – 2018-10-03 =


* Added new field type – autoincrement – for projects. A read-only value automatically set and incremented;
* Added new option in the custom field form to display the field or not in the frontend project list;


* Fixed filters for custom fields in the front-end;

= [1.2.11] – 2018-09-19 =


* Fixed missed debug code;
* Fixed fields of the File type in the front-end;
* Fixed delete button for file fields in the front-end;
* Fixed the custom fields form in the backend. When editing, it wasn\’t displaying the fields to edit params;

= [1.2.10] – 2018-09-06 =


* Fixed automatic updates using the new Alledia EDD SL Plugin Updater library, based on the original version 1.6.16;


* Updated POT file;

= [1.2.9] – 2018-09-06 =


* Fixed automatic updates removing legacy license and update classes and adding the new library from Alledia;


* Updated POT file;

= [1.2.8] – 2018-09-06 =


* Fixed a PHP warning about invalid abstract methods;
* Fixed a redundant code setting a jQuery element\’s property;
* Fixed outdated POT file;

= [1.2.7] – 2018-08-14 =


* Fixed plugin file header;

= [1.2.6] – 2018-07-31 =

* Fixed typo in text and messages;
* Fixed data saving for projects in the front-end;
* Fixed missed ID and title for file fields in the front-end;
* Fixed value of radio buttons, selects, checkboxes in the front-end;
* Fixed default value for radio buttons, selects, checkboxes in the front-end;
* Fixed the color picker field in the add form;

= [1.2.5] – 2018-06-07 =

* Fixed PHP warning about wrong argument for in_array function;
* Fixed PHP warning about undefined \”id\” index;

= [1.2.4] – 2018-04-19 =

* Patch last release

= [1.2.3] – 2018-04-19 =

* Fix a couple of potential PHP warnings

= [1.2.2] – 2018-04-18 =

* Fixed uncommon PHP error regarding non array default values

= [1.2.1] – 2018-03-27 =

* Fixed error with Dropdowns breaking up Projects

= [1.2.0] – 2018-02-15 =

* Added info text about how many items can be selected on Radio and Checkboxes fields
* Added option that indicates whether a particular Custom Field can be filtered on frontend

* Fix \”None\” string language domain
* Minor general fixes

= [1.1.0] – 2018-01-31 =

– Added Category Field
– Added Tag Field

– Custom file fields now uses the Media Manager

– Fixed some custom fields being rendered in the wrong place in the admin Project form
– Prevent PHP error rendering Dropdown/Checkboxes fields for the first time in a Project

= [1.0.2] – 2018-01-04 =

– Fixed update messages being too generic
– Fixed error message thrown when trying to save a Custom Field without title
– Fixed default values for Select fields not working
– Fixed default values for Radio fields not working
– Fixed default values for Checkboxes fields not working
– Fixed typos

= [1.0.1] – 2017-12-29 =

– Fixed permission that was preventing some users from access the plugin

= [1.0.0] – 2017-12-28 =

– First release.

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